Nikon Power Supply UPS User Manual

Installation and Administration  
INTRODUCTION …………………………………………………………………  
GETTING STARTED …………………………………………………………….  
RESTARTING AFTER AN IPL …………………………………………………..  
MAIN MENU …………………………………………………………………….  
SYSTEM ATTRIBUTES …………………………………………………………  
SYSTEM ATTRIBUTES (TEST MODE) ………………………………………..  
AN EXAMPLE …………………………………………………………………..  
UPS/400 NETWORK SUPPORT ……………………………………………..  
WORK WITH MONITOR STATUS ……………………………………………..  
DISPLAY ACTIVITY LOG ………………………………………………………  
WORK WITH CURRENT STATUS ……………………………………………..  
SYSTEM SETUP ………………………………………………………………..  
TO MAKE UPS/400 PERMANENT ………………………………………….  
REMOTE CUSTOMER SUPPORT ………………………………………………  
We pride ourselves in producing good stuff. If you have  
any questions, problems, or suggestions regarding this  
product, please contact us at:  
Pinnacle Business Systems  
810 S Cincinnati, Suite 200  
Tulsa, OK 74119  
(877) 369-6922  
FAX: (918) 587-1536  
UPS/400 . . . an IBM AS/400 UPS power monitoring system . . .  
Stage 4: System Restore and Follow-up Monitoring  
If power is returned, all active users are notified and the system is fully restored to its original active  
Remaining battery power is monitored by the system administrator through a UPS current status  
display which visually depicts remaining battery life by means of a “battery life line.”  
These stages should not be confused with the six staged intervals used during actual UPS/400 shutdown  
You may define UPS/400 shutdown procedures using the System Attributes display. This display is used to  
specify the actions to be taken at the six intervals, including Job Queues to be held, Sub-Systems to end,  
and the severity level of the message to be issued. A complete description of this display and its options  
are shown on the following pages.  
The current UPS Status display can be used to monitor remaining battery life during and after shutdown  
procedure. The following page shows a flowchart of UPS/400 shutdown activities.  
For direct technical support on UPS/400 call … (918) 587-1500  
Faxes may be sent to …………………………… (918) 587-1536  
Modem dial-in for PTF’s and Updates ………… (918) 587-6923  
UPS/400 . . . an IBM AS/400 UPS power monitoring system . . .  
If you are installing UPS/400 for the first time or reinstalling, the instructions are the same. The program will  
install the product for you. If you are re-installing UPS/400, the installation program will create a library  
(UPSMBKU) where it will back up the library UPS400 before it begins installation. At the end of a  
successful installation, you can delete the library UPSMBKU. If you are using UPS/400 with multiple  
AS/400s in an APPN network environment, you must load a copy of UPS/400 on each machine that is to be  
monitored in the network.  
Sign on as QSECOFR and load the distribution media or follow instructions below for internet download.  
First Installation — CD  
1. Load CD into the CD-ROM drive  
2. Enter the following command: LODRUN DEV(*OPT)  
3. The CD-ROM product installation menu is displayed. To install UPS/400, please enter a  
1 beside UPS/400.  
4. The product information will automatically be installed.  
5. Use the command STRUPS400 to access the UPS/400 Main Menu.  
First Installation — Tape  
1. Load tape in the appropriate drive  
2. At the command line type: RSTLIB SAVLIB(MBAINST) DEV(device name)  
3. Execute the install command:  
4. Use the command GO ICM to access the ICOM/400 Main Menu.  
1. Back-up your current UPS/400 system (library UPS400).  
2. Follow steps for the proper media format above.  
3. NOTE: If you are upgrading to a new system, you will need to restore the old product  
library on the new system before proceeding with step 1.  
UPS/400 . . . an IBM AS/400 UPS power monitoring system . . .  
Internet Download Installation  
1. At the AS/400 command prompt, type: CRTLIB UPSTRIAL, then: CRTSAVF  
“UPS/400” and click on “Download your 30-day free trial” at the bottom of the page.  
You will be asked to register before download. Follow the instructions for download.  
3. After downloading, open a DOS session on the PC and at the prompt type: cd/[name  
of directory where you downloaded the  
4. Then type: FTP [name of your AS/400 or its TCP/IP address]  
5. Type your AS/400 user profile and press enter. Type your password and press Enter.  
6. Type: bin  
8. Type: quit and press enter, then: exit and press enter  
9. Back at the AS/400 command prompt, type:  
10. You should receive a message indicating that five objects were restored.  
Note: You may see a security message. Don’t be alarmed.  
12. To start UPS/400, type STRUPS400 or GO UPSMON on a command line.  
You will be presented with the option to specify UPS/400 Autostart features at this time. A prompt will  
be displayed, asking if you wish to use the UPS/400 Autostart Job:  
“___ Install the UPS/400 modified System Startup Program (Y/N).”  
A response of Y will change the system value QSTRUPPGM to point to Program QSTRUP in UPS400.  
This will allow UPS/400 to restart after IPLs. A response of N will cause no changes to be made to the  
IBM supplied startup program. You may elect to use the UPS/400 Autostart Job at any time by pressing  
F10 while on the UPS/400 System Attributes screen or you can include the supplied source code  
(UPS400/UPSSRC member QSTRUP) in your own start-up program.  
NOTE: UPS/400 program fixes can be applied by the customer through Automated Customer Support  
(ACS) which has been supplied to you on your UPS/400 installation media. This feature permits online  
scanning and downloading of appropriate PTFs by the user through access to PBS’s host AS/400. See the  
Remote Customer Support section at the back of this manual for instruction on how to install and use this  
UPS/400 . . . an IBM AS/400 UPS power monitoring system . . .  
Use the command STRUPS400 to start UPS/400. This will transfer you to the UPS/400 Main Menu.  
Because UPS/400 runs within its own subsystem, a userid named UPS400 was set up during the  
installation process. The userid UPS400 will own the UPS monitoring process and will have a password set  
to *NONE to assure protection against unauthorized user. This userid has an authority level comparable to  
QSECOFR but cannot be QSECOFR. To review this user profile, enter DSPUSRPRF USRPRF(UPS400).  
To execute UPS/400, a user must (a) be within one of the following user classes: *SECADM, *SECOFR,  
*SYSOFR, or (b) have a special authority of *ALLJOB or *SECADM.  
To use UPS/400 startup program, the IBM system value QSTRUPPGM should be set to Program QSTRUP  
in UPS400. This will allow UPS/400 to restart itself after IPLs. You may elect to use the UPS/400 Autostart  
Job at any time by pressing F10 while on the UPS/400 System Attributes screen or you can include the  
supplied source code (UPS400/UPSSRC member QSTRUP) in your own start-up program.  
UPS/400 . . . an IBM AS/400 UPS power monitoring system . . .  
This is the main menu for UPS/400 that provides access to all other system functions. However, where the  
user knows the display name, a menu transfer can be made directly to the desired system function. HELP  
is available from all screens and cursor sensitive HELP is available where applicable.  
1. Work with UPS/400 System Attributes: Permits user specification of system attributes used to control  
UPS/400 during the UPS monitoring process. To use Option 1, the monitor cannot be active. If you  
find that the monitor is active, select Option 3 to end the monitor and then proceed with Option 1. After  
working with the UPS/400 System Attributes, restart the monitor using Option 2.  
2. Start the UPS Power Monitor: Selection of this option starts the UPS/400 power monitor. The  
message “UPS/400 Power Monitor Started…” appears at the bottom of the Main Menu to confirm that  
the monitor has been started.  
3. End the UPS Power Monitor: Selection of this option ends the UPS/400 power monitor. The message  
UPS/400 Power Monitor Ending…” appears at the bottom of the Main Menu to confirm that the  
monitor is ending.  
4. Remote System Maintenance: Selection of this option allows the user to identify network AS/400s that  
will be notified by the UPS/400 power monitor. The AS/400 that serves as the notifying AS/400 for the  
network will not be listed in this table, but all other AS/400s in the network will be listed in the table.  
5. Work with Monitor Status: Selection of this option allows the user to work with active UPS/400 jobs as  
well as review the overall status of the AS/400 activity. This screen is the same as the “Work with  
Active Jobs” AS/400 command except that only UPS/400 jobs are listed.  
6. Display Activity Log: All activity is logged. Clearing messages from the log is at the discretion of the  
7. Work with Current Status: Selection of this option displays the current UPS/400 system status. This  
includes information such as remaining battery life, number of power failures since last recharge,  
chronological logging of power down step processed, and other information pertinent to a systematic  
power down process.  
8. System Setup: Selection of this option allows the user to work with setting the values that are global in  
nature to the operations of UPS/400. This includes information specific to your type of UPS, as well as  
requirements for system power down.  
UPS/400 . . . an IBM AS/400 UPS power monitoring system . . .  
The System Attributes display is used to identify the system parameters to be used by UPS/400 to create  
an orderly system shutdown during a power loss. During a trial period of UPS/400, the date the trial copy  
expires is displayed on the screen. This trial expiration date is 30 days after the date you installed  
UPS/400. After the system has been purchased and the copy made permanent, this information does not  
Test mode for UPS/400: When UPS/400 is installed, the system is in Test mode. This is indicated by the  
flashing “*** Test mode ***” at the bottom right hand corner of the screen. Test mode allows the user to  
completely simulate a power loss as well as review the UPS/400 monitoring process that would take place if  
a real power loss had occurred. If you wish to run a simulation of the monitoring process, notify all users  
prior to the test as messages would be sent to their terminals, notifying them of a power loss. Test mode  
utilizes all intervals and notification specified in the System Attributes screen, but does not shut down any  
processes or execute user Exit Procedures. See the System Attributes (Test mode) page for a further  
explanation of this function.  
The System Attributes screen contains default values. These should be reviewed/modified by the user as  
follows prior to starting UPS/400.  
Interval: Intervals are expressed in minutes and are the times that UPS/400 will check system status and  
perform specified functions. At each interval, UPS/400 will notify the system operator and/or users with  
severity messages, begin specific processes and execute exit procedures. Six intervals are provided,  
although the user may use less than this number. Note: Intervals are used in calculation estimated power  
down times for severity messages. The first interval can be 0, which means that UPS/400 will issues its first  
message immediately upon power loss detection.  
Intervals will be automatically adjusted when the remaining battery life is less than the last interval. A  
message will be sent to the system operator message queue of the adjusted percentage.  
Notification - QSYSOPR: Specify (Y/N) if you wish UPS/400 to notify the system operator during a  
specified interval. Normally, the system operator would be notified (Y) at all times during a power loss  
Notification – Users: Specify is you wish UPS/400 to notify all active users during a specified interval.  
Notification of users is handled by severity messages ranging from level 1 (least severe) to level 3 (most  
severe – see Test mode for severity message text). If you do not wish to notify active users at a given  
interval, leave the field blank. The same severity message can be used at several intervals.  
While in Test mode, messages will not actually be sent to users, but entries in the Current Status display  
will show as though they were sent.  
Process: One or two processes may be specified at each interval. Valid processes are:  
Hold all specified job queues (F6).  
End all specified subsystems in SBS1 (F7).  
End all specified subsystems in SBS2 (F8).  
End all interactive users that are on the system.  
Power the system down.  
Processes *JOBQ, *SBS1, and *SBS2 are specified via pop-up windows describes below and illustrated in  
the System Attribute example on the following page.  
Exit Procedure: The exit procedure is used to specify user written programs that you wish UPS/400 to  
execute as part of the orderly power down process. These programs must complete processing within the  
duration of the current interval and the last interval. If processing does not complete in that time span, the  
UPS/400 . . . an IBM AS/400 UPS power monitoring system . . .  
user program will be ended when the power down occurs. NOTE: There is no exit procedure specified at  
the last interval  
F6 = Job Queues: Pressing F6 provides a pop-up window that allows the entry of job queues that you wish  
UPS/400 to hold during the orderly power down. If the power is restored, these jobs queues will be  
released. Format is Program/Library.  
F7 = SBS #1: Pressing F7 provides a pop-up window that allows the entry of a list of subsystems that you  
wish UPS/400 to end during a specified format. These subsystems will be ended first and should be those  
that have the least impact on your system. When the power is restored, these subsystems will be restarted.  
Format is Subsystem/Library.  
F8 = SBS #2: Pressing F8 provides a pop-up window that allows the entry of a second list of subsystems  
that you wish UPS/400 to end during a specified interval. These subsystems have the greatest impact on  
your system (i.e. batch and/or interactive usage). If power is restored, these subsystems will be restarted.  
Format is Subsystem/Library.  
F10 = UPS/400 Autostart Job: Pressing F10 (not shown on screen) allows the user to (Y/N) decide  
whether to use the UPS/400 Autostart Job. A response of Y will change the system value QSTRUPPGM to  
point to program QSTRUP in UPS400. This allows UPS/400 to restart itself after IPLs. A response of N will  
cause no changes to be made to the IBM supplied startup program. You may elect to use the UPS/400  
Autostart Job at any time by pressing F10 while on the UPS/400 System Attributes screen. Additionally, the  
user may elect to include source code found in UPS400/UPSSRC member QSTRUP in your own startup  
F19 = Test mode: Pressing F19 allows you to toggle back and forth in the Test mode for UPS/400.  
F23 = Read Me: Pressing F23 provides an online UPS/400 User Manual. F24 will print the online  
UPS/400 User manual.  
UPS/400 . . . an IBM AS/400 UPS power monitoring system . . .  
UPS/400 . . . an IBM AS/400 UPS power monitoring system . . .  
Test mode of UPS/400 is turned on or off from the UPS/400 System Attributes display by pressing F19 (not  
shown on the screen). Test mode should not be started until all entries have been made in the System  
Attributes screen. After turning Test mode on the user should exit to the Main Menu and Start the UPS  
Power Monitor (Option 2). Several items should be noted before proceeding with a test:  
1. While in Test mode the AS/400 will not be powered down, nor will job queues be held,  
subsystems ended, user messages and user procedures executed. Message delivery to the  
system operator and/or users will take place at intervals specified in the System Attributes  
2. When the monitor is started, the message will indicate Test mode.  
Two commands allow the simulation of a power loss and restoration without actually disconnecting power or  
having to restore it. They are SIMPWRLOSS (simulate power loss) and SIMPWRRST (simulate power  
restore). To begin the Test mode process, start the UPS monitor (Main Menu Option 2), then type  
SIMPWRLOSS on the UPS/400 Main Menu command line. UPS/400 will now begin simulating a power  
loss and sending messages to the system operator and/or users at the specified intervals. The  
SIMPWRRST command may be used at any time to end the test. If you let the test run to completion, a  
message will be issued to QSYSOPR that the system would have been powered down, but that UPS/400  
was in Test mode.  
UPS/400 should be further tested by actually disconnecting power to the AS/400. This testing should only  
be done after thoroughly testing your UPS hardware. We strongly recommend that testing be performed  
when the machine is not in use and when skilled systems/technical personnel are available.  
Standard UPS/400 severity level 1, 2, and 3 messages are available, as well as the power restoration  
message. Severity codes for messages 1 through 3 can be used on the System Attributes display to  
specify which message is to be sent at each interval.  
Severity 1:  
Severity 2:  
“Attention – The AS/400 has lost power and is running on battery backup. Be ready  
to sign off if the condition is not corrected. Estimated battery life is 25 minutes.”  
“Warning – The AS/400 has lost power and continues to run on battery backup.  
Please complete your processing as soon as possible to avoid data lost. Estimated  
battery life is 15 minutes.”  
Severity 3:  
“*** Emergency *** – Due to continued power loss on the AS/400 you are required to  
immediately sign off. Estimated battery life is 5 minutes.”  
“ATTENTION: POWER RESTORED! The AS/400 has just been switched back to  
regular service. System will ‘NOT’ be powered down.”  
UPS/400 . . . an IBM AS/400 UPS power monitoring system . . .  
UPS/400 . . . an IBM AS/400 UPS power monitoring system . . .  
The following narrative describes an example of the functions performed by UPS/400 during a power loss.  
The functions performed are based on the system default values carried in the System Attributes screen.  
The system administrator has a UPS system for the AS/400 with a recharge time of 120 minutes. The  
administrator has determined that the orderly shutdown process should take 25 minutes, broken up into 5,  
five-minute intervals with immediate notification of the system operator upon detection of power loss.  
Interval 1:  
The system operator is notified immediately that a power loss has been detected. Active  
users are likewise notified immediately with a severity level 1 message: “Attention – The  
AS/400 has lost power and is running on battery backup. Be ready to sign off if the  
condition is not corrected. Estimated battery life is 25 minutes.” UPS/400 performs  
the process *JOBQ which holds QBATCH. A user program has been specified  
(USEREXIT) that begins during interval 1.  
Interval 2:  
Interval 3:  
After 5 minutes the system operator is notified with a severity level 2 message: “Warning –  
The AS/400 has lost power and continues to run on battery backup. Please complete  
your processing as soon as possible to avoid data lost. Estimated battery life is 20  
minutes.” Users are not notified at this interval nor are any process or user exits specified.  
After 10 minutes the system operator is notified with another severity level 2 message:  
“Warning – The AS/400 has lost power and continues to run on battery backup.  
Please complete your processing as soon as possible to avoid data lost. Estimated  
battery life is 15 minutes.” Users are sent the same severity level 2 message as the  
system operator. The process *SBS1 begins ending subsystems QSNADS and QSPL.  
Interval 4:  
After 15 minutes the system operator is notified with another severity level 2 message:  
“Warning – The AS/400 has lost power and continues to run on battery backup.  
Please complete your processing as soon as possible to avoid data lost. Estimated  
battery life is 10 minutes.” Users are sent the same severity level 2 message as the  
system operator. The process *INT begins, ending interactive users one at a time.  
Interval 5:  
Interval 6:  
After 20 minutes the system operator and users are notified with a severity level 3  
message: “*** Emergency *** – Due to continued power loss on the AS/400 you are  
required to immediately sign off. Estimated battery life is 5 minutes.” The process  
*SBS2 begins ending subsystems QBATCH, QINTER, and QCMN.  
After 25 minutes UPS/400 will notify the system operator that the AS/400 is being powered  
down and then power down the system.  
If during the UPS/400 orderly shutdown, power had been restored the message would have been sent to  
the system operator and active users: “ATTENTION: POWER RESTORED! The AS/400 has just been  
switched back to regular service. System will ‘NOT’ be powered down.”  
This example can be simulated in Test mode, or can be modified to specify your specific UPS shutdown  
requirements, and then tested.  
UPS/400 . . . an IBM AS/400 UPS power monitoring system . . .  
These values will be used where not modified by the system operator.  
UPS/400 . . . an IBM AS/400 UPS power monitoring system . . .  
The Remote Systems Maintenance screen allows the user to identify remote network AS/400s that will be  
notified by UPS/400 in case of a power failure and subsequent power restoration. Any AS/400 in the  
network may serve as the notifying AS/400 with all others identified as remote systems. UPS/400 will  
manage an orderly system and power shutdown on the notifying machine as well as each of the remote  
AS/400s. Note that a copy of UPS/400 must be loaded on each machine that is to be monitored in the  
network (see chart on the following page).  
1 = Create: Permits the user to identify each remote system name and short description of the remote  
4 = Delete: Permits the user to delete entries from the list of remote systems.  
9 = Change Text: Permits the user to change the description of the remote system.  
UPS/400 . . . an IBM AS/400 UPS power monitoring system . . .  
Note: The sensor cable from the UPS may be connected to an AS/400 on the network. All AS/400s to be  
networked should be connected to the same power source. The AS/400 with the sensor cable is  
the “notifying system,” however any system detecting failure or restore of utility power will notify  
ALL systems in its Remote Systems Notification Table (i.e. System A table would contain B, C, and  
D; System B table would contain A, C, and D, etc.). If the “notifying system” is disabled for any  
reason, the power sensor cable should be reconnected to an active machine. Network capabilities  
of UPS/400 depend upon the existence of an AS/400 APPN defined network. Multiple power  
sensor cables can be used.  
UPS/400 . . . an IBM AS/400 UPS power monitoring system . . .  
The Work with Active Jobs display shows the performance and status information for jobs that are currently  
active on the system. All information is gathered on a job basis. The jobs are ordered on the basis of the  
subsystem in which they are running. Jobs that run in a subsystem (autostart jobs, interactive jobs, batch  
jobs, readers and writer) are alphabetized by job name and indented under the subsystem monitor field they  
are associated with. Subsystem monitors (with the jobs in the subsystem grouped under each monitor job)  
are alphabetized and presented before system (SYS) jobs. The system jobs (SCPF, QSYSARB, QLUS)  
are alphabetized by job name and presented following the subsystem monitors and jobs within the  
It is possible for a job to not appear on the WRKACTJOB display even though an active status is shown for  
the job on one of the following displays:  
Work with Job (WRKJOB)  
Work with Subsystem Job (WRKSBSJOB)  
Work with Submitted Jobs (WRKSBMJOB)  
Work with User Jobs (WRKUSRJOB)  
This is because a status indicator that is used to determine whether a job is active in the job’s internal  
structure indicates an active status just before and just after the actual processing of the job. Normally, the  
amount of time that a job is in this state is very short, but the following conditions can make it longer:  
If there are many jobs in the system competing for processor use, each job has a smaller share  
of processor time, which can increase the amount of time a job is in this state.  
The machine does not start the process for the job until an activity level is available for the job  
being started. If the activity level has already been reached, the job remains in this state until  
an activity level is available.  
UPS/400 . . . an IBM AS/400 UPS power monitoring system . . .  
The subsystem can be interrupted while the job is in this state by other requests such as a user  
signing on. The job remains in this state until the subsystem has finished processing all of  
these requests.  
CPU%: This shows the average of processing unit time used by the system during the elapsed time. This  
percentage compares to the ratio of the total amount of processing unit time used during the elapsed time  
to the total elapsed time. The value in this field is normally higher than the sum of the processing unit time  
percentages used by the active jobs displayed because it includes processing unit time used by system  
overhead, excluded job, and jobs that have ended during the measurement time interval. This field is zero  
when the elapsed time is zero. If there are multiple processors on the system, this field contains the  
average processing unit time of the processors.  
ELAPSED TIME: This shows the amount of time that has elapsed between the measurement starting time  
and the current system time. This field is present in hours, minutes, seconds. This field is zero when the  
display is initially requested, or when the display is restarted by pressing the F10 key. The current system  
time (end of elapsed interval) is displayed beneath the system name.  
ACTIVE JOBS: This shows the current number of jobs active in the system (jobs that have been started,  
but have not yet ended), including both user and system jobs.  
2 = Change: Use this option to run the Change Job (CHGJOB) command. If no value is specified on the  
parameter’s input field, default parameters are shown when you press the F4 key. However,  
when values have been specified on the parameter’s input field, the command is run without  
the prompt appearing when you press the Enter key. Similarly, when you press the F4 key,  
the specified values are highlighted, and defaults are shown for remaining parameters. This  
option is not valid for system or subsystem monitor jobs. CHG replaces the status field if the  
command runs successfully.  
3 = Hold:  
Use this option to run the Hold Job (HLDJOB) command; the job’s spooled files are not held  
unless the default for the Hold Spooled Files (SPLFILE) parameter is overridden by using the  
Parameter’s input field. Select the Hold Reader (HLDRDR) command if this option is selected  
for a spooling reader job, or the Hold Writer (HLDWTR) command if this option is selected for  
a spooling writer job. This option is not valid for system or subsystem monitor jobs. HLD  
replaces the status field if the command was run successfully.  
4 = End:  
Use this option to run the End Job (ENDJOB) command; the job’s spooled files are not deleted  
unless the default for the Deleted Spooled File (SPLFILE) parameter is overridden by using  
the parameter’s input field. Unless the OPTION parameter is overridden by the parameter’s  
input field, a controlled end is performed as if the End Job (ENDJOB) command was typed  
with all the default parameter values assumed. The End Reader (ENDRDR) or End Writer  
(ENDWTR) command (with OPTION(*CNTRLD)) is issued if this option is selected for  
spooling reader or spooling writer job. This option is not valid for system or subsystem  
monitor jobs. END replaces the status field if the command was run successfully.  
5 = Work with: Use this option to run the Work with Job (WRKJOB) command, which displays the Work  
with Job Menu. The Work with Job Menu allows you to select options to work with:  
The possible options are:  
Job status attributes  
Job definition attributes  
Job run attributes  
Job spooled files  
Job log information  
Job program stack information  
Job locks  
Library list information  
UPS/400 . . . an IBM AS/400 UPS power monitoring system . . .  
Open file information  
File override information  
Commitment control status  
Communications status information  
In addition, the Work with Job Menu allows you to select options to change, hold, release, or end  
the job. The Work with Reader (WRKRDR) or Work with Writer (WRKWTR) command is issued if  
this option is selected for a spooling reader or spooling writer job.  
6 = Release: Use this option to run the Release Job (RLSJOB) command which releases the job if it is  
in the held condition. The Release Reader (RLSRDR) or Release Writer (RLSWTR)  
command (with OPTION(*CURRENT)) is run if this option is selected for a spooling reader  
or spooling writer job. This option is not valid for system or subsystem monitor jobs. RLS  
replaces the status field if the command was run successfully.  
7 = Display message: Use this option to display the message for which the job is waiting.  
8 = Work with spooled files: Use this option to display the job’s spooled output files.  
9 = Exclude: Use this option to exclude the job from the display. The option has no effect on the job; it  
only affects the display.  
10 = Display program stack: Use this option to display the job’s program stack  
11 = Work with locks: Use this option to work with the job’s locks  
13 = Disconnect: Use this option to run the Disconnect Job (DSCJOB) command. All jobs at the device  
will be disconnected.  
SUBSYSTEM/JOB: This shows the name of the job as identified to the system. Jobs that run in a  
subsystem (autostart jobs, interactive jobs, batch jobs, reader, and writers) are indented two positions under  
the subsystem monitor job they are associated with. The indentation shows the jobs that are contained in a  
subsystem. Subsystem monitors and system jobs are not indented. If the job type is multiple requester  
terminal (MRT), the job name is the MRT procedure name.  
A plus (+) sign next to the first character of the job name indicates that the job is an active job of a group.  
Suspended group jobs (GRP shows as the prefix in the Function column) are excluded from the display  
unless the F14 key is pressed. Pressing the F14 key again will cause the suspended group jobs to be  
excluded once again. When suspended group jobs are shown, the plus sign is not displayed.  
USER: The user name identifies the user who submits the job and the user profile under which the job is  
run. If the job type is multiple requester terminal (MRT), the user name is the user that initially started the  
MRT job. The user name is the same as the user profile name and can come from several different  
sources, depending on the type of job:  
Batch job: The user name is specified on the Submit Job (SMBJOB) command, or it is  
specified in the job description referred to by the JOB or SBMJOB commands.  
Interactive job: The user name is typed in at sign-on, or the user name is provided from the  
default in the job description referred to by the work station’s job entry.  
Autostart job: The user name is specified in the job description referred to by the job entry for  
the autostart job  
TYPE: This shows the type of active job. Possible values are:  
ASJ: Autostart  
BCH: Batch  
BCI: Batch immediate  
UPS/400 . . . an IBM AS/400 UPS power monitoring system . . .  
EVK: Started by a procedure start request  
INT: Interactive  
MRT: Multiple request terminal  
PJ: Prestart job  
PDJ: Print driver job  
RDR: Reader  
SBS: Subsystem monitor  
SYS: System  
WTR: Writer  
ELAPSED CPU%: The percent of processing unit time attributes to this job over the elapsed time  
compared to the measurement time interval.  
FUNCTION: The high-level function being performed by the job. This field is blank when a logged function  
has not been performed. The prefix of this field indicates what the characters that follow the hyphen  
CMD: The command is run interactively, or in a batch input stream, or requested from a  
system menu. Commands in the CL programs are not logged.  
DLY: This job is processing a DLYJOB (Delay Job) command. The time displayed is the  
number of seconds that job is delayed (up to 999999 seconds), or the time when the job is to  
resume processing (hh:mm:ss), depending on how the command was specified.  
GRP: The group name of a suspended group job is displayed.  
I/O: The job is a subsystem monitor that is performing input/output operations (I/O) to a  
workstation for the sign-on display file. The name displayed is the name of the work station  
MNU: The name of the menu  
MRT: This is a multiple requester terminal (MRT) job if the type is MRT, or an interactive job  
attached to a MRT job is the type is INT. If it is an MRT job, the characters that follow the dash  
is a number, a slash (/), and another number. The first number indicates how may requesters  
are currently attached to the MRT job, and the second number indicates the maximum number  
(MRTMAX) of requesters. NEP indicates the MRT is a “Never-ending-program” (the MRT stays  
active even if there are no requester of the MRT). If it is an interactive job attached to a MRT,  
the MRT procedure name follows the dash.  
PGM: The program name is the high-level program called interactively, or a program called in  
a batch input stream, or the initial program specified in the user profile, or the name of a system  
request processor. If the high-level program transfers control, the program name remains in  
the function field even though it is no longer in the program stack.  
PRC: This is the name of the procedure.  
IDX: The value is the name of the file associated with an index (access path) rebuild operation.  
The previously logged value replaces this value when the index rebuild operation has finished.  
LOG-QHST: History information is being logged to a database file.  
* - JOBLOG: A job log is being produced  
* - DUMP: A dump is in process.  
* - ADDLACTJOB: Auxiliary storage is being allocated for the number of active jobs  
* - PASSTHRU: The job is a pass-through job.  
* - RCLSPLSTG: Empty spooled database members are being deleted specified in the  
QADLACTJ system value. This may indicate that the system value for the initial number of  
active jobs was set too low.  
* - ADLTOTJOB: Auxiliary storage is being allocated for the number of jobs specified in the  
QADTOTJ system value  
*-CMDENT: The command entry display is being used  
* - DLTSPLF: A spooled file is being deleted.  
STATUS: The status of the job. Only one status is displayed per job. A blank status field represents a job  
that is in transition. The possible values are:  
UPS/400 . . . an IBM AS/400 UPS power monitoring system . . .  
BSCW: The job is waiting for the completion of an I/O operation to a binary synchronous  
CMNA: The job is waiting for the completion of an I/O operation to a communications device in  
the activity level.  
CMNW: The job is waiting for the completion of an I/O operation to a communications device.  
CMTW: The job is waiting for the completion of save-while-active checkpoint processing in  
another job. This wait is necessary to prevent a partial commitment control transaction from  
being saved to the media.  
CPCW: The job is waiting for the completion of a CPI Communications call.  
DEQA: The job is waiting for completion of a dequeue operation in the pool activity level.  
DEQW: The job is waiting for completion of a dequeue operation. For example, QSYSARB and  
subsystem monitors generally wait for work by waiting for a dequeue operation.  
DKTA: The job is waiting for the completion of an I/O operation to a diskette device in the  
activity level.  
DKTW: The job is waiting for the completion of an I/O operation to a diskette device.  
DLYW: Due to the Delay Job (DLYJOB) command, the job is delayed waiting for a time interval  
to end, or for a specific delay end time. The function field shows either the number of seconds  
the job is to delay (999999), or the specific time when the job is to resume running.  
DSC: The job has been disconnected from a work station display.  
DSPA: The job is waiting for input from a work station display in the activity level.  
DSPW: The job is waiting for input from a work station display.  
END: The job has been ended with the *IMMED option, or delay time has ended with the  
*CNTRLD option.  
EOFA: The job is waiting in the activity level to try a read operation again on a database file  
after the end-of-file has been reached.  
EOFW: The job is waiting to try a read operation again on a database file after the end-of-file  
has been reached.  
EOJ: The job is ending for a reason other than End Job (ENDJOB) or End Subsystem  
(ENDSBS). For example, SIGNOFF, End Group Job (ENDGRPJOB), or an exception that is  
not being handled.  
EVTW: The job is waiting for an event. For example, QLUS and SCPF generally wait for work  
by waiting for an event.  
GRP: The job is suspended due to a Transfer to Group Job (TFRGRPJOB) command.  
HLD: The job is being held.  
ICFA: The job is waiting, in an activity level, for the completion of an I/O operation to an  
intersystem communications function file.  
ICFW: The job is waiting for the completion of an I/O operation to an intersystem  
communications function file.  
INEL: The job is ineligible and not currently in the pool activity level.  
LCKW: The job is waiting for a lock.  
MLTA: The job is waiting, in an activity level, for the completion of an I/O operation to multiple  
MLTW: The job is waiting for the completion of an I/O operation to multiple files.  
MSGW: The job is waiting for a message from a message queue.  
MTXW: The job is in a mutex wait. A mutex is a synchronization function that is used to allow  
multiple jobs or processes to serialize their access to shared data.  
MXDW: The job is waiting for the completion of an I/O operation to a mixed device file. Details  
are in the Remote Work Station Support book.  
OPTW: The job is waiting for the completion of an I/O operation to an optical device.  
OSIW: The job is waiting for the completion of an OSI Communications Subsystem/400  
PRTA: The job is waiting for output to a printer to complete in the activity level.  
PRTW: The job is waiting for output to a printer to be completed.  
PSRW: The job is a prestart job waiting for a program start request.  
RUN: The job is currently running in the activity level.  
UPS/400 . . . an IBM AS/400 UPS power monitoring system . . .  
SELW: This job is in a select wait. More information on the select() function is in the Sockets  
APIs chapter in the System API Reference, SC41-4801.  
SRQ: The job is the suspended half of a system request job pair.  
SVFA: The job is waiting for completion of a Save File operation in the activity level.  
SVFW: The job is waiting for completion of a Save File operation.  
TAPA: The job is waiting for completion of an I/O operation to a tape device in the activity level.  
TAPW: The job is waiting for completion of an I/O operation to a tape device.  
TIMA: The job is waiting, in the activity level, for a time interval to end.  
TIMW: The job is waiting for a time interval to end.  
Display Messages  
System: PBSEO4  
Queue . . . . . . . : UPSLOG  
Library . . . . .: UPS400  
Severity . . . . . . : 00  
Program . . . . . . :*DSPMSG  
Library . . . . . . :  
Delivery . . . . . . : *HOLD  
Type reply (if required), press Enter.  
ATTENTION: POWER RESTORED The AS/400 has been switched back to utility power at  
09/27/98 20:29:29.  
UPS/400 detected a temporary power loss at 09/27/98 20:30:58.  
UPS/400 detected a power loss at 20:52. Estimated time to power down is 20 minutes.  
ATTENTION: POWER RESTORED The AS/400 has been switched back to utility power at  
09/27/98 20:53:45.  
UPS/400 detected power loss at 20:54. Estimated time to power down is 19 minutes.  
The Display Messages display shows messages sent to a message queue. Among the parameters shown  
are message queue name, delivery mode, and break handling program.  
For specific information about messages, put the cursor on the message you want information about and  
press the Help key. An additional message information display will then be shown.  
QUEUE: The name of the message queue that is being shown.  
LIBRARY: The name of the library that contains the message queue being shown.  
SEVERITY: A two digit value ranging from 00 through 99. The higher the value, the more severe or  
important the condition. The value is used when the delivery mode is *BREAK or *NOTIFY. Only  
messages equal to or greater than the value defined here will cause the break or notification of the  
message to occur.  
PROGRAM: The following values may be shown:  
*DSPMSG: When a message arrives for an interactive job with break delivery, the message is  
A program name: The name of the program that is called when a message arrives if the  
message queue is in *BREAK delivery and the message is equal to or greater than the severity  
value shown on the display.  
LIBRARY: The name of the library that contains the break message handling program.  
UPS/400 . . . an IBM AS/400 UPS power monitoring system . . .  
DELIVERY: The following values may be shown:  
*BREAK: The job to which the message queue is allocated is interrupted when a message  
arrives, and the program or action specified in the Program parameter is performed.  
*DFT: Messages requiring replies are answered with their default reply. No messages are  
added to the message queue whether they require a reply or not.  
*HOLD: The messages are held in the message queue until they are requested by the user or  
*NOTIFY: For an interactive job, the audible alarm at the workstation is sounded and the  
message-waiting light is turned on.  
You can reach this display by pressing Option 7 (Work with Current Status) on the Main Menu. This screen  
displays the current UPS/400 system status. This includes information such as remaining battery life,  
number of power failures since last recharge, chronological logging of power down steps processes, as well  
as other information pertinent to a systematic power down process.  
The following is a description of UPS/400 statistics:  
UPS/400 subsystem: Active or Inactive status of ZZUPS400, UPS/400 subsystem  
Last power fail date: Date of last logged power outage  
Last power fail time: Time of last logged power outage  
Number of failures: Number of logged power outages since last full recharge of UPS batteries  
The following is a description of UPS Battery Statistics:  
Current power source: Source of electrical power currently servicing system. May either by  
UPS or Utility  
Total battery life: Total minutes of usable battery life as defined in the System Setup screen  
UPS/400 . . . an IBM AS/400 UPS power monitoring system . . .  
Recharge rate: Rate of recharge as defined in the System Setup screen. This value is  
expressed as the number of minutes recharging time required to yield one minute of usable  
UPS battery time  
Minutes remaining: Number of minutes remaining that the UPS can sustain the system during  
a power outage. This value will equal total battery life (above) when the UPS batteries are fully  
PERCENTAGE OF UPS BATTERY LIFE REMAINING: This value is graphically indicated as a horizontal  
number-line bar and represents the percentage of actual UPS battery time remaining in relation to the total  
UPS battery life.  
The following is a description of logged UPS/400 activity:  
Elap: Elapsed number of minutes since FIRST power outage (i.e., since UPS was fully  
Act Time: Actual time of event  
Status: Status of event. TEST indicates event occurred during UPS/400 Test mode. ACTIVE  
indicates event has completed. Note that ACTIVE and DONE will not be reported in Test mode  
Description: Textual description of occurrence. An asterisk (*) indicates a group process that  
occurred as a scheduled event in the UPS/400 System Attributes screen  
NOTE: You can now access a command line window from the current UPS Status Screen by pressing the  
F9 key and then Option 7. This will provide you with greater mobility within the system.  
UPS/400 . . . an IBM AS/400 UPS power monitoring system . . .  
This menu allows setting of values that are global in nature to the operations of UPS/400. This includes  
information specific to your type of UPS, as well as requirements for system power down. For this section,  
you will need to acquire some of this information from you UPS documentation or your supplier.  
Battery life: The number of minutes your UPS can sustain your system in the event of a power  
Recharge rate: The number of minutes recharging time required to yield one minute of usable  
UPS battery time  
Subsystem description: Valid AS/400 object name you wish to assign to alternative  
Library: Library name where UPS/400 will create the alternate subsystem description  
Work stations 1 – 5: Work station name entries assigned to alternate subsystems  
Note: This portion of the System Setup (Alternative Subsystem Specifications) is optional. The alternate  
subsystem defined here will be automatically started immediately after all other interactive subsystems are  
ended in the power down process (i.e., *INT step you scheduled in the System Attributes menu). The  
library names above should already exit, but the subsystem description will be created by UPS/400.  
UPS/400 . . . an IBM AS/400 UPS power monitoring system . . .  
To make UPS/400 permanent, the user should complete and return the AS/Manager License agreement to  
PBS. Based on your CPU serial number(s), PBS product support will issue a permanent security  
number(s). To install this permanent security number, please do the following:  
1. Start UPS/400 by keying in STRUPS400 and press Enter.  
2. Key in UPDUPSSYSV on the command line and press Enter.  
3. Input the 7 digit permanent security number supplied by PBS product support in the entry field  
and press Enter. The user will get a message indicating that the product has been made  
If questions arise during this process, call PBS product support at (918) 587-1500.  
UPS/400 . . . an IBM AS/400 UPS power monitoring system . . .  
This section contains important warranty and product support information. Please read it carefully.  
UPS/400 has been thoroughly tested and comes with online help text as well as user documentation.  
Displays are simple to understand and use. However, if you have any problems using UPS/400, we  
recommend the following steps:  
1. Review the documentation and help text provided by UPS/400, which contains answers to a  
majority of questions that might arise.  
2. Have job logs, error messages (first and second levels), screen prints, etc. available to discuss  
with an PBS technical support representative  
3. Call an PBS product support representative at the number show at the front of this manual.  
Call PBS technical support between the hours of 7:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. CST five days a week for  
questions or problems you may be having. We will be happy to answer them. If the problem is of a critical  
nature, our 24-hour answering service can reach us at all hours.  
Please have ready any material pertaining to your questions (job logs/printouts to refer to, displays, etc.).  
This makes it easier for our product support analyst to understand the problem and assist you promptly.  
PBS warrants that UPS/400 software will be free of defects for 90-days after software installation. Product  
technical phone support and replacement materials will be provided during this period at no charge.  
Annual maintenance agreements may be purchased at published rates by licensed users for ongoing  
UPS/400 support after the initial 90-day free warranty period. Payment of this fee entitles you to continuing  
technical support, product enhancements, problem corrections, OS/400 release compatibility, and new  
releases of UPS/400.  
UPS/400 . . . an IBM AS/400 UPS power monitoring system . . .  
Automated Customer Support (ACS) is designed to permit remote user access to the PBS customer  
support AS/400. This product is offered at no charge to customers who are under a software maintenance  
license agreement. It provides menu screens to assist you in defining ACS connectivity to the PBS  
customer support machine and in ordering any necessary enhancements or corrections (PTFs) to PBS  
software products.  
ACS allows you to:  
Order PTFs for any AS/Manager product  
Send a message to technical support  
Page a technical support representative for emergencies  
Ask questions or search for answers on Q&A database.  
Automated Customer Support is provided as a service to our valued customers in order to assure the  
highest level of support. If you are interested in purchasing the product for your own PTF distribution  
requirements, call us and we will provide additional information.  
The following instructions will give you an overview of how to load ACS and order a PTF. Be sure that the  
user installing ACS has *ALLOBJ authority before entering the following commands.  
1. Install ACS:  
Enter the command: RSTLIB LIB(ACSLIBC) DEV(xxxxx)  
Enter the command: ADDLIBLE ACSLIBC  
Enter the command: GO ASM  
This will take you to the main menu for Automated Customer Support.  
2. Check the resource name:  
Enter the command: DSPLIND QESLINE  
Look at the IBM line and check the value “Resource Name.” It will normally be LIN011.  
3. Configure the line:  
Use option 2 (Configure Communication for Support) on the ACS menu. To access the  
online user documentation, take Option 3 for the Configuration Menu, then press F23 to  
view it or F24 to print it. Option 3 should be executed before any PTFs are ordered. It will  
create a line (ASM$LINE), a controller (ASM$CTL) and a device (ASM$DEV). The user  
should not vary these objects on. The order process will vary them on during the  
UPS/400 . . . an IBM AS/400 UPS power monitoring system . . .  
procedure – and off at the end. You must insure that there are no other lines varied onto  
the resource that you name for this line. In most cases the screen can be used with the  
provided defaults.  
Enter the resource name if different from LIN011. The line speed should be left at 2400  
and the phone number should be correct unless you do not have a direct line and need  
something like “9:” to precede the number in order to get an outside line. Press enter and a  
line (ASM$LINE), a controller (ASM$CTL) and a device (ASM$DEV) will be created.  
4. Check for another line varied on:  
Use the WRKCFGSTS *LIN ASM$LINE command to look at the status of the ACS line.  
Enter a 1 beside it to vary it on. The line should then show connect pending. Now enter a  
2 beside it to vary it off. If you get a failure on the vary on, then there is another line  
currently varied on to the resource. Enter the command WRKHDWRSC TYPE (*CMN) to  
look at all lines that share this resource. Then use WRKCFGSTS command to vary the line  
5. Order or view PTFs:  
Use option 1 (Order PTFs from AS/Manager) on the ACS menu to order the PTF. Simply  
enter the PTF ID supplied by AS/Manager. The PTF will be transferred to you machine and  
will be accompanied by a report highlighting the PTF and giving instruction on how to load  
PTF ID: Provided to you by AS/Manager technical support  
CUSTOMER INFORMATION: Enter you company name, contact name, and telephone  
A message will be displayed at the bottom of the screen giving the status of the transfer  
operation. To view a summary of all available PTFs, enter ASMSUMMARY in the PTF ID.  
NOTE: If the keyword *PASSTHRU is keyed into the PTF ID field, AS/Manager technical support  
will be able to sign onto your AS/400 to provide online support. Please contact PBS technical  
support before entering *PASSTHRU into the PTF ID field.  
If you have any questions or problems with the above procedure, contact PBS. technical support at (918)  

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